Spotify React Screenshot

Spotify React

GitHub Spotify React was built using NodeJS, ReactJS, the Spotify Web API, and the Spotify Web Playback SDK It was created with a team of 2 other Computer Science students for CS499 - Advanced Web Development at Oregon State University. Its functions include: Authenticating with Spotify accounts using OAUTH tokens Searching for Artists and Songs Viewing Artist Details Viewing song details and lyrics Liking and unliking songs Viewing users' Liked Songs, Followed Artists, and Playlists Play music with the Web Playback SDK

November 30, 2022 · 1 min · Ryan Zimmerman
Downtime Alerter Screenshot

Downtime Alerter

GitHub Downtime Alerter was built using Node.js and Handlebars for the web interface, and uses TextBelt to send a text message using an SMTP relay. I created it because I host a lot of services on my homelab, and I wanted to have a simple method to get an SMS notification when my servers go down.

January 23, 2021 · 1 min · Ryan Zimmerman